Monday, 22 November 2010

Global Entrepreneurship Week: A new website and a very busy week…

We launched the Midomo Bracelet microsite a week last Sunday, just in time for the start of Global Entrepreneurship Week.

On the Monday of GEW, during a 'Good Deals' panel debate, ex-Dragon and exemplary entrepreneur Doug Richard called a commercial break. In this interlude, to our delight, he presented Julie Devonshire of One Water with a Midomo Bracelet. He then called on others to visit our website and buy one too!

The following days were a flurry of networking, speaking (Amanda), pitching, selling and generally 'seeing and being seen'. Then on Saturday, when we were attempting a recovery, the bracelet was featured in the Financial Times ‘How to Spend it’ Christmas Supplement! The excitement continues…

So you should probably check out our new website…

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Red Button Design Do Parliament..

On 3rd November Red Button Design had the great honour of attending the World Preservation Foundation conference at Westminster. That we had been invited to this event was exciting enough, but what really delighted us was the fact that this was also the first trip out for Midomo, in the UK.

As I wheeled Midomo towards Storey’s Gate it raised a few eyebrows..

But once settled at our exhibition stand it magnetically drew people towards us to sheepishly ask what it did. When we told them that this simple looking piece of equipment could provide safe, clean water to communities in the developing world- without dependence on infrastructure or energy resources- everybody was suitably impressed; we need to order some more business cards!

We also took along some Midomo Bracelets in order to show people how they could personally donate a Midomo, and at the same time obtain a luxury designer piece of jewellery. Many fashionable and philanthropic sorts duly added us to their Christmas lists and one lovely man even bought one for his wife!

As well as showing off our wares we also had an enjoyable and informative time. The speakers delivered quite alarming facts about climate change, and then offered some potential solutions, eloquently. We then tucked into a vegan lunch that was good enough to satisfy and inspire even dedicated omnivores.

Midomo’s emancipation into society was certainly respectable. And if they’ll have us, we’d love to roll by Parliament again some time…